Friday, December 4, 2015

Stupid people believe stupid things.

There are a couple of web site and articles being passed around claiming high numbers of "mass shootings" and "school shootings"  and even some of our (stupid) elected officials are trotting these out in their anti-gun dog and pony shows. The problem is, the numbers are all false and what they are claiming about the numbers of mass and school shootings simply is not true. If you were to believe these numbers then you would think there was a Columbine or Aurora style shooting happening just about every day.

The facts are they are simply pumping as many numbers from as many different events into the equation to make an exaggerated point and generate a kneejerk reaction from easily fooled people. When you actually start to break down the numbers you begin to see the lies and deceptions in their presentation. This is all deliberate. They expect people to glom onto their exaggerated headline and shiny chart and run with it (instead of looking at the actual numbers) and that is exactly what stupid people do.

Luckily for me (and you!) someone has looked at the numbers and broken everything down so you can see the true facts and the exposed lies.

First, the claim that mass shootings are out pacing the days of the year. The Washington post released published an article claiming that there have been 355 mass shootings this year.
Where as the New York Times publishes an article breaking down the numbers (surprisingly from a writer at which shows the 355 number which comes from a pro gun control site called is not only egregiously high, it is a downright fabrication.

Do some reading on your own, see what is really happening.

On the school shooting front, Bloombergs Everytown group has been falsely claiming that there have been over 150 school shootings since Sandy Hook School Shooting but apparently Everytown believes that if a gun is fired in a city with a school, then it MUST be a school shooting.

Politifact and others looked into the claims when the number of "school shootings" was 74, and found that the claim was "Mostly False"  Politifact Truth o Meter

It should come as no surprise that the anti-gun crowd would lie and distort facts, they count on their followers being stupid. So they say stupid things and the stupid people believe them.

Do some research, don't be stupid.

How are those strict gun control measures working out for you?

In the wake of the recent mass shooting (terrorist attack on a Christmas party) in California, which left 14 dead and 14 or more wounded. We have learned (we, actually those of us here at SSSS already knew this) That Barbara Boxer (D) California is stupid. I would say that not only is she stupid, she is dangerously stupid.

After the attacks, she said the following.


Oh really? Those "sensible" gun laws (which are some of the most restrictive in the United States) allowed two terrorists to legally purchase firearms and murder 14 innocent people. People like Senator Boxer are a danger to the people of the US. They need to understand that "their way" does not work. I believe the senator is no longer in control of her mental faculties and needs to be replaced ASAP.